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Writer's picture: James Reynolds GunsmithJames Reynolds Gunsmith

Posts to this blog have been disrupted as you can see, the internet connection that fed the workshop proved to be a little unreliable and the decision was made to do away with it and find another solution. After digging up conduits and running new cables I'm glad to say I'm back online. I like writing and I was enjoying getting into the habit of writing this blog in the quiet morning times while the ground is closed, or on my lunch break such as today ( albeit a late one at twenty to four ).

Its interesting to see the nature of the work coming into the workshop changing, lots more small in and out repair work seems to be the main sort of work coming in, its been nice in this time to just go steady with things, whenever you move workshops or set things up a new there are bound to be many little teething issues, so its been nice to give myself the time to step away from the vice and attend to them, anyhow; on wards and upwards.

One of the nice things about being here at Thimbleby shooting ground has been meeting the clients; everybody who has come in the workshop ether to discuss work or projects has just been so nice and I genuinely enjoy discussing all aspects of the sport with customers. I particularly enjoy my seemingly weekly black powder discussion with another enthusiast. Sometimes though in order to attend to work I have to keep to the workbench, in these times there is notice outside my door saying as much. That said if your stuck or in a pickle or what have you my door will only ever be locked when I'm snowed under.

This morning I had a client come in who just could not get comfortable with his Beretta DT11 grip, the radius was so pronounced with a flare on the bottom which was literally causing him to get cramp in his hand, while he waited I carefully reshaped the grip to make it just right, so I could keep checking with the customer how we were getting on, in the process I removed most of a panel of checkering so I have that to recut before re oiling the worked over area, the jobs staring at me from across the workshop so I really ought to go and get back to that; there is quite a lot of stuff to be getting on with but I'm determined to make a daily post here throughout the week.

I've also found a convenient way to add images to the blog without the faff or extra cameras and cables, now I just need to get back into the habit of taking pictures! Perhaps there will be something more interesting on tomorrows post. Pictured below is a close up shot taken by a client of some of the hand cut checkering on his bespoke gunstock, made for him last year.

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